1824 Barnwell Street
Columbia, S.C. 29201
Contact Information
Phone: 803-734-8322
Fax: 803-734-8325
Monday-Thursday: 7:30am-4:30pm
Friday: 7:30am-4:00pm


Proviso 1.3 - School Budget/Itemization of Salaries

According to Proviso 1.3 – Pursuant to Section 59-20-80, each school board of trustees must make available by September first each school year its annual budget that includes state, local, and federal investments in education. The budget must be available on the district’s website. The department, in collaboration with local school districts, will provide a template that each district must use in reporting its budget.

SECTION 59-20-80. School budgets must be made public; itemization of salaries.

Notwithstanding any other provision of law, each school board of trustees in this State shall annually make available to the general public its budget for that year, which budget shall include an itemized list of the average salaries paid to the superintendents, supervisors, administrators, principals, consultants, counselors and teachers employed by the district. No state aid shall be given to any school district whose board of trustees fails to comply with the provisions of this chapter.

Finance manages the fiscal affairs of the District

This includes maintaining its accounting system to record accounts payable and payroll disbursements to district office employees, budget preparation, coordinating the annual financial audit, preparing financial and management reports and filing state and federal grant reimbursement claims. Finance also provides services to District personnel in support of their activities and operations.

Transaction Registers

Federal Programs and Medicaid Reimbursements

Proviso 1.88 – Surplus Property

Per proviso 1.88 (SDE: Surplus Property), β€œschool districts must publish on their website by September 15, 2024, a list of properties that qualify under this provision.”

The SC Public Charter School District does not have surplus property to report.

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