1824 Barnwell Street
Columbia, S.C. 29201
Contact Information
Phone: 803-734-8322
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Monday-Thursday: 7:30am-4:30pm
Friday: 7:30am-4:00pm

External PowerSchool Resources

Table of Contents

PowerSchool Links

PowerSource is a community-focused customer support portal for all PowerSchool products. PowerSource is available to all district and school staff, including teachers, administrators and IT staff.

PowerSchool Community
PowerSchool Community is a place for administrators, educators, partners, parents, and students to get the most out of their PowerSchool products. Connect with peers and PowerSchool experts today!

PowerSchool SIS South Carolina Docs
Advanced PowerSchool resources such as Release Notes, Enhanced User Interface, SC PS Reports, Ed-Fi Reference, Data Dictionary and other SC specific resources.

PowerSchool Product Status and Maintenance Schedule
Find the current status (Operational, Outage, Maintenance, etc.) of PowerSchool Products and Services. Learn about upcoming scheduled maintenance or subscribe to stay up to date.


S.C. Department of Education Links

The Office of Research and Data Analysis (ORDA), Data Collection (DC) team is responsible for supervising, guiding and supporting the South Carolina Department of Education’s (SCDE) Student Information System (SIS).

Student Information System (SIS) Document
The documents on this page are provided by the South Carolina Department of Education (SCDE) for use with the current Student Information System (SIS) PowerSchool.

State Report Cards
This website provides information on South Carolina’s school districts and public elementary, middle and high schools including school ratings and other useful information such as school safety, classroom environment, graduation rate, student academic progress, and college and career readiness and additional academic information. A district and school report card is just one piece of information, that, when combined with a student’s individual state test results and report card grades, gives parents a more accurate picture of their children’s academic experience.

Data & Reports
Find information on E-Rate, College Freshman Report, Student Counts, Dropout and Teacher Data.

Test Scores
Find information on state and national assessments, such as SC Ready, SCPASS, EOCEP, SAT and ACT assessments.

Weekly School District Memorandum Communications
All SCDE weekly memo communications are archived here. Individual memos can be found on the School District Memoranda Archive.

Attendance, Truancy, Chronic Absenteeism, Dropout, Incident Management
This padlet provides materials from the Office of Student Intervention Services on a variety of topics. 

South Carolina School Counselors and Career Specialist
This padlet provides materials for School Counselors and Career Specialists to help awareness and development of students.

Academic Accountability
This padlet provides information on Diplomas, Transcripts, SBE Regs, Activity Coding and Attendance.

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