District Resources
Annual Reports
Browse through our annual reports, SCPCSD history, funding, newly approved charter schools, demographics and stats, school performance framework, and learn about how we’re using our four strategic pillars to transform education in South Carolina!
Data and Accountability
The District Data page covers the South Carolina School Report Cards, State Assessment Data, National Assessment Data and the PCSD Monthly Data Dashboards.
Facilities & Projects
Property Acquisition and Project Management, steps to completing both. Such as, Enter Property into the OSF portal, Submit Documents, Design and Planning, Construction & Inspections
South Carolina Public Charter School District Financial Services homepage. Review district Transaction Registers, Administrative Cost Reports, Audit Reports, Credit Card Statements, State Funding, Federal Programs and Medicaid Reimbursements and Open Requests for Proposals (RFPs).
Health Education Materials
Proviso 1.41 (SDE: Health Education): Each school district is required to ensure that all comprehensive health education, reproductive health education, and family life education conducted within the district, whether by school district employees or a private entity, must utilize curriculum that complies with the provisions contained in Chapter 32, Title 59 and aligns to all standards and regulations adopted by the South Carolina State Board of Education.
Title IX
The US Department of Education Office of Civil Rights has mandated new Title IX regulations. The District is committed to promoting gender equity, preventing hostile environments based on sex, prohibiting sexual harassment/violence, ensuring protection from retaliation, and to remedying other gender-based forms of discrimination in academic settings per the regulations.
School Resources
District Data Center
This platform is designed to streamline access to essential resources and foster seamless collaboration across our district. Here, you will find direct links to your school’s dedicated Google Drive folder, provided by the district office, ensuring you have quick and convenient access to all necessary documents and data.
Educator Resources
South Carolina Department of Education Resources including information on Assisting, Developing, and Evaluating Professional Teaching (ADEPT), South Carolina Teaching Standards (SCTS), Induction & Mentoring, Certification and Expanded Program for Assisting, Developing, and Evaluating Principal Performance (PADEPP).
The Epicenter web-based platform streamlines school operations, board governance, and school compliance activities. SCPCSD uses this online tool manage tasks related to school reporting.
Federal Programs
The Federal Programs Resources page covers, CTE, ESSER, Foster Care, Homeless, Medicaid, Title I – IV and, Section 504.
Human Resources
State Programs
Parent Resources
The Ombudsman is to help parents, students, and the community resolve school-related problems for students enrolled in SCPCSD schools. The objectives are to provide information and counsel which may involve rights and available options, applicable state laws and regulations, and procedural guidelines to follow when filing a complaint.
PowerSchool Parent Portal
It is more important than ever for parents and guardians to create a Parent Portal account in PowerSchool. We use PowerSchool to collect vital information to better serve our students and families.
Annual student registration, transportation registration and other mandatory forms from your school, you can also view your student’s attendance and grades in Parent Portal.
Available Materials
Each charter school independently selects the books and instructional materials available to its students through its libraries or media centers. Families and stakeholders are encouraged to visit the website of each charter school to access specific and up-to-date information on its selections. This ensures the most accurate and current details regarding materials available to students. For additional support or inquiries, please contact the respective charter school directly. To submit an Instructional Materials Complaint Form, please visit the respective school’s website.